1. If I have a writing project I’m working on, I try to set aside hours like I’m scheduling myself at an outside job. An eight-hour day for “work” often does the trick.

  2. Some great advice. It’s all still new to me, so this is interesting and I’ll look into some of this. I also hope to keep it fun and enjoyable. #BloggersClubUK

  3. Oldhouseintheshires

    I’m not a full time blogger but it’s very time consuming…in a good way! I try to schedule blocks of time for sure. I also write postswhenideas come to me.Good advice. #bloggerclubuk

  4. For now, I like my routine. I get up early before my kids, do some yoga to get me going and help motivate myself, which has been working really well I might add, then I sit down with a cup of coffee and write. My problem is organization, not time. I’ve been wanting to write my first e-book but can’t seem to organize it in a way that I want. I’m hoping to work on it this summer while I don’t have to worry about getting the kids ready for school to interrupt my writing time. I also can’t sit at my desk, or sit for long periods of time without getting antsy and needing to get up and do other things so I’ve been working on splitting up my time between writing, hiking, housework, spending time with the kiddos, gaming, and of course my yoga. I gotta say the yoga and Tai Chi have been a Godsend for me. I’ll be writing a post about that in the coming weeks. I am interested in that oomph thing though. I will definitely check that out. Great tips Debbie! Thanks so much for hosting #bloggerclubuk

  5. I definitely need more time but with 3 kids and 3 other jobs there isn’t a lot to spare! I am trying to schedule posts and social media but I need to have a chance to write them in the first place! Anyone want to babysit for a few hours??? #bloggerclubuk

  6. I’ve got to get a grip with scheduling – I’ve tried the free hootsuite but I’m not loving it. Maybe I’ll give social oomph a try. Thanks #bloggerclubuk

  7. Aleena

    I’ve been looking forward to reading this all day! I’m THE master of procrastination, and it always bothers me that I’m not a bit more organised! I always have the best intentions of getting to a more organised place, but it doesn’t last long!! I’m going to make a concerted effort, though! #BloggerClubUK

  8. Great suggestions here. I tend to batch task things eg. commenting but you have to be careful when doing that as sometimes you are picked up as a spammer when you are not! #bloggerclubuk

  9. absolutely prabulous

    I knew this post was going to be tough for me to read because I’ve tried some of this and sadly, it just doesn’t work for me. My time management issues are the stuff of nightmares. I loved the ‘got a spare half hour’ bit. I’ve NEVER written a blog post in half an hour in over 3 years of blogging lol. Half a day, just about. I think the fastest was 2 hours lol. I think the best tip is outsource to someone like you. You’re hired lol #bloggerclubuk

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