1. Rachel Craig

    Seems that it is the Rich and Super – Rich who Truly NEED to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude. As those are most likely the groups of people who are wasting / taking the World’s Limited Resources and possibly other Human’s limited Energy for Granted.

    Who is travelling Frequently by Air :- Airplane / helicopter? Who has Servants, Staff, Butler, Chauffeur, etc, etc.

    Seems like we all NEED to have some Quality of Life, and that is most likely if there is an attitude and action of Sharing, Limitations ( and that being on Excess, Excessive Use of Limited Resources, etc).

    Often it is the POOR who are Grateful for the little that they have. True Happiness is Difficult if / when Poor Nutrition ( Good Mood Food), Poor Health ( Wear and Tear Arthritis :- Osteoarthritis, as often comes with Chronic Pain), If being badly treated :- Modern Day Slavery, No Opportunity of paid employment ( no / little means to pay the bills, ” Work for a living”. Violence, Domestic Violence, Abuse, etc) or this is happening to loved ones :- Extremely difficult to be truly Happy. Britain has Homelessness, Fuel Poverty, Child Poverty, Food Banks, Unemployment, Poor Health, Poor Mental Health.

    So there is very, very much INEQUALITY within a ” Developed Country” :- WHY???

  2. I totally agree, when life throws a curve ball it helps to look at what you are grateful for.
    I’m grateful for my families and my own good health. I’m grateful I was able to have a child (it was looking pretty rope at one point). I’m grateful to have a happy home and an amazing partner. 😊

  3. Always good to count the blessings and to live in the moment too I think rather than racing backwards to guilt or forwards to worry and anxiety. My 3 grateful things 1, Positive home education mornings including listening to Great Expectations by Charles Dickens on an audio book with my teenagers 2. My son getting interviews for volunteering opportunities that can help him develop and move on into adulthood and also that he is seriously considering re-sitting his English GCSE at colege, good for him CV wise and to make some new friends 3. Grateful that blogging can still surprise me with good thiings this time a tweed jacket to review.

  4. This is a great reminder to think of positive things in our lives rather than focusing on the negative.
    My three things are
    My kids. I’m always grateful for them πŸ™‚
    Good friends. I’ve made some really good ones over the past two years. I think I found my tribe πŸ™‚
    My work. Whether it’s writing or volunteering for a hotline, it fulfills in a way like no other.
    Thanks for sharing this Debbie! #anythinggoes

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