1. Great advice! I need to work on the organization and time plan ones. I have a rough time plan outlined, but I’m SO disorganized right now! Really hope I get a handle on things by the end of the year. All the traveling hasn’t helped.

  2. Organization, reasonable goals and time management! I think those are the key. Also, knowing when certain pieces can take a back seat while you focus on others, and when they can’t.

    Some great thoughts here.

  3. Great tips – I need to be more organised, I’m very impulsive but could do with forward planning more. And thinking positively is a huge one- so easy to forget that you can do it, if you really work at it. #anythinggoes

  4. mummy here and there

    Fab tips – asking for help tough but doesn’t make you worse as person (I still struggle at times) but now again I find really helpful and that bit of less pressure makes all the difference X #anythinggoes

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