1. Thats a pretty good list. I still like the original Hellraiser and Nightmare on Elm Street movies also. For pure gore factor, I’ll take Saw over Hostel and the remake of The Hills Have Eyes was one of the most disturbing movies I can remember watching.

    • Thank you 🙂 I love Saw but for some reason, I completely forgot about it when I did this list! I don’t mind Hellraiser and Nightmare on Elm Street but I think they’re more sort of funny horror. I liked the Hills Have Eyes too 🙂

  2. This is a really good list, have you started to watch the exorcist tv show? It actually isn’t too bad! I loved the ring, especially calling my friends as a kid saying”7 days” ahahahaha

  3. Mindful Mummy Mission

    Will pass this list on to the hubby – he likes a horror movie, I’m too much of a scaredy-cat #anythinggoes

  4. I’ve only watched a couple of these. I’ve got to be honest I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to horror films although I do fancy watching one this Halloween. Not on my own though, obviously!!! #anythinggoes

  5. Chilli Regina

    The Conjuring and Mama are two of my favorites. I would add Blair witch project and The Sinister;) Horror, horror…

  6. I’m not really a fan of horror films – I’m far too jumpy! The only one of these I’ve seen is the ring – I think I’ll be sticking to the kids Halloween films this year! #bloggersclubuk

  7. Carolina Twin Mom / Mary Peterson

    Great picks! The Shining was brought to mind a number of times when I was pregnant with twins. 😉

    Not sure if you can put this in the horror category (maybe just thriller? What’s the difference anyway?), but I loved Seven and Silence of the Lambs.

    Fun post…thanks! #bloggerclubuk

  8. My mummy has seen all of these and she has a love/hate relationship with horror/thriller films. She loves being frightened by films but hates afterwards with her over active imagination! #BloggerClubUK

  9. Catherine Evans

    I love this list, I’ve faved it haha! I absolutely adore horror films (unless there is too much gore and violence so I can’t deal with Saw haha) so I’m going to watch these! #bloggerclubuk

  10. Yvonne

    I have seen and loved most of this list. However there are a couple that I have never seen! So that will be something I need to sort out this weekend 🙂 #AnythingGoes

  11. Amie

    I’ve only seen orphan and the ring two and both of them terrified me! Now I’m up in the night and a total wuss I’ve had to get rid of all of our scary dvds now haha #bloggerclubuk

  12. I like horrors but they usually leave me disappointed! I did however really enjoy case 39 and I thought it had a really strong plot. It did take me a while to get past it been Bridget Jones though! #bloggerclubuk

  13. Susie at This Is Me Now

    OMG the ring! I’d forgotten about that! I’m a scardy cat at heart and there’s a few on here I haven’t seen, and I probably don’t want to now! Maybe when I was younger, but I seem to be more anti scary movies now I’m older! #BloggerclubUK

  14. Silly Mummy

    I like horror films but I’m easily scared so often regret it! I tend to go with comedy horrors that I can cope with – like Severance. I like The Omen though. I avoided The Exorcist for years, but actually found it quite comical! The Shining is a great film but terrifies me. Couldn’t brave The Grudge or The Ring, I don’t think! #BloggerClubUK

    • The Grudge and The Grudge 2 are the only films I can think of that have genuinely terrified me! I know what you mean about The Exorcist – I think with all the hype, you watch and sort of think is that it? But I do still love it though!

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