1. Marina Ilieva

    Thank you so much for including me in the series, Debbie! It was a pleasure to answer your questions. 🙂 x

  2. Squirmy Popple

    Nice to meet you, Marina! I agree that blogging is all about conversations. I didn’t get that at first either, but I’m so glad I decided to get a bit more social and interact with more bloggers – it’s introduced me to such a wonderful and supportive community. #BloggerClubUK

  3. Really enjoying these! I’m still in my first couple of months of doing this properly so still learning lots too. Keep up the good work, Marina! #BloggerClubUK

  4. Coffee & Bubbles

    If only there were more hours in the day to bury our noses in books! (Ones that don’t ‘teach’ you how to raise tiny humans). #BloggerClubUK

  5. Sharon Parry

    I really enjoyed reading about Marina’s blog. This is a great way to find new blogs and I love this one. Looking forward to following Marina as her blog grows. #BloggerClubUK

  6. Hi Maria, Glad to hear you’re enjoying blogging and your family so much. Thanks for the reminder about not giving up – i can never hear this too often! Jo #BloggerClubUK

  7. Lovely interview, great advice about not giving up too. I sometimes wonder how I am going to juggle my blog and my four children and everything else that comes along and yet I know that even if I only blog once a week, it’s better than nothing! #BloggerClubUK

  8. You are so right Marina that a blog should not be a monologue and you need to interact outside of it too. As a newbie, I am learning that as well. Look forward to reading more of your posts. #BloggerClubUK

  9. “Blogging is about conversations, not monologues.” LOVE this – you are so right, I didn’t appreciate that until I starting blogging a few months ago. #bloggerclubuk

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