1. These are great ideas!! Mother’s Day in Peru is not until May so thanks God I don’t need to worry about it just yet. But if I would have to choose what I would like I would say that I always like flowers, chocolates and a card. I love the presents that my girls do at school/nursery. They are always very cute. Another thing is a perfume (I love perfumes and if I can add one more the list even better! lol). The spa day is always lovely. The voucher idea is very handy too. Let’s see what I get this year! lol Thanks for hosting, 🙂 xx #anythinggoes

  2. I had no idea that the UK celebrates Mother’s Day in March. I kept seeing all of these posts about Mother’s Day and I thought, “It’s too early for Mother’s Day. Maybe everyone is just getting a head start?” We don’t celebrate Mother’s Day here in the States until May. I got all sorts of confused, LOL! This is a great list Debbie! #anythinggoes

    • Funnily enough, last year I kept seeing Mother’s Day posts later in the year and wondering why they were getting so many shares etc when Mother’s Day was over. It took me a while to figure out it’s later in the States lol! Thank you 🙂

      • Michelle

        Yeah we don’t celebrate it here until May but now I wonder why the two countries celebrate it at different times. Maybe because mothers are just so awesome we get two times a year to celebrate, LOL! I’m coming back around again from #manicmonday Thanks so much for linking up with me last week:)

  3. An imperfect mum (Catie)

    I like the voucher idea and thanks for the reminder, Mother’s Day is different in holland so I need to think carefully so I don’t miss my mum out x

  4. wendy

    Ohh there are some great ideas here. My mum’s on a diet, I usually buy her chocolates but I don’t think she’d appreciate them this year. A spa day sounds like an amazing idea though xx #anythinggoes

  5. Janet Cooper

    Wow, great post! I particularly like the idea of a Magazine Subscription because my Mum is so difficult to buy for. She’s always on a diet so never wants chocolate, she doesn’t really drink in the house, so never wants wine, and to top it off she has so many clothes, bottles of perfume, jewellery etc… and I think she would find flowers a hassle as she is always busy and wouldn’t have the time to look after them. She has a kindle so it gave me an idea – maybe a magazine subscription for her kindle.

    Great post, Debbie!



  6. Mrs Mum NZ

    My mum is so awkward to buy gifts for. She’s not into jewellery or spa days, would never go for a mani/pedi. Doesn’t eat chocolate! (Sorry, should have warned you to sit down being telling you that.) And she never wears accessories. Grrrr! Flowers it is… Again! #anythinggoes

  7. Agent Spitback

    Great choices! My mum is notoriously hard to buy for as she’ll always tell us we don’t have to get anything! Usually we bring her out for a meal and a special framed photograph of the grandkids or something like that! Thanks for hosting #anythinggoes

  8. Great post, and I would like all of those things! Ha! I’m going to point my husband in the direction of this blog, no excuses this year!! My mum always tells me not to waste my money on presents for her (even though it’s hardly a waste!) and tells me each year all she wants is a bunch of daffodils, bless her! #anythinggoes

  9. Silly Mummy

    Good suggestions.Loving the idea of a hamper full of chocolate! & Love2Shop vouchers are brilliant. #AnythingGoes

  10. Yvonne

    Every year I go for flowers, but I love the spa day!! Maybe she would take me with her 🙂 thanks for the ideas #anythinggoes

  11. Trista, Domesticated Momster

    These are all great ideas. I particularly love the spa one. Mothers Day in the US isn’t until May so I will have to start hinting to my hubby now lol. Thanks for linking up with #momsterslink!

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