1. Angela Milnes

    Thanks for sharing…now I want to go read your S post…. to see if i'm addicted to Blogging lol! Angela x

  2. Just returning your visit to my blog and looking forward to reading more later.

    Incidentally, if you haven't already seen my reply to your comment you'll find my A – Z posts before the Easter ones πŸ™‚

  3. Congratulations on your 10,000 pageviews! I'm glad I'm not the only one who regularly checks their stats and celebrates their milestones.

    I think this is a really interesting idea as well, especially sharing the posts you most enjoyed writing. I love to get insight into the way that other bloggers think and write.

    Cait @ Click's Clan

  4. Interesting reflection post. I may look into adding something like this. I'm repaying your visit to Rantings and Ravings of An Insane Writer as part of the A-Z Challenge. Thank you for stopping in, and I'll be keeping an eye on your posts via RSS on TheOldReader.

  5. Sanna / Wave to Mummy blog

    This is a really interesting roundup – I like the way you've included both the most viewed and the least viewed. It can be a bit of a mystery why some posts get popular and others don't. Even if you promote them the same way, in the same channels, once gets lots of pick up and another just falls flat. Weird that.

    Now off to read your S post and see if I meet the signs (I think I will πŸ˜€ )

    Thanks for linking to #mymonthlyroundup

  6. Wander Mum

    I think it's really interesting to see what posts are well read and which aren't…sometimes there just no rhyme nor reason. Look forward to checking them out. #mymonthlyroundup}

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