1. Trista, Domesticated Momster

    Since I was younger I was always taught that if you’re going to do something then do it right the first time…cause if I didn’t…my mother was sure to make me do it over. It’s carried on into teaching my kids the same way. I hate anything (especially chores) done half-assed! This is why it takes me over an hour to clean a bathroom. Bathrooms, as much as I hate cleaning them, I just know that they must be disinfected thoroughly. It’s an OCD thing. ๐Ÿ’ŒTrista

  2. I feel this way about most things! I am a procrastinator myself but when there is something I know needs to be done, or something I know I want to do, I go all in. Like with my blog, when I was deciding if I should go self-hosted or not, I knew I was already making a long term commitment to my blog so I figured why not go all the way? That’s what I did and I don’t regret it. Love it! #candidcuddles

  3. Katie (Growing Up KaterTot)

    Oh my goodness– wait till next week’s Candid Cuddles! I drafted my quote post, and my message is so much the same. I couldn’t agree more, Deb. My parents raised me to put my best effort into anything that’s worth doing. It’s a complete waste of time to do something half-assed. Why do it if it’s not done right?! #candidcuddles

  4. Silly Mummy

    Yes, this is definitely good advice. I do mostly do this if I’m doing something. But I am awful for procrastination and avoidance. Visiting from #weekendblogshare

  5. I have been subconsciously living this quote for awhile. If I’m not going to give it my all, why waste the time. So I give it my all and call it a day =)

  6. Lisa@intotheglade

    Oh this is such a great quote and something I have learned recently. I hate ironing but when faced with a pile, I have learned to just get on and do it properly or, I will end up doing it again. I have to admit, I have said this to my girls from time to time too X

  7. Janet Cooper

    I was always taught this too – but it’s so difficult when you have a task that you just don’t want to do or can’t get in to. Sometimes I know that if I keep going, it will click (eventually) but if I go into it with the wrong attitude, then I set myself up to fail. Attitude is clearly my problem here!
    I do try to do things properly but I agree, it can be a struggle if your heart isn’t in it. Just wanted to let you know, I feel your pain, and I will also attempt to take your advice! The sentiment is so true and my father drummed this into me – so why is it so hard!

    • I think attitude is my problem too – usually thinking about whatever it is is worse than actually doing it, but if I’ve built it up to dread it, that’s when it all goes wrong. It really is hard! If you find the secret let me know lol!

  8. A fab quote Debbie. I totally agree with this one! sorry I didn’t get a chance to link up to your linky this week, it;s been crazy and I was preparing for my op which ended up getting cancelled. Your quotes always inspire! Will be pinning this ๐Ÿ™‚ Angela

  9. I think this is a really good point. Some tasks are painful but you might as well make the most of it & do a good job. One task that drives me crazy is putting away the Christmas decorations. I’d love to just throw them into a box & be done but I take the time to organize it so it will be easier for me next Christmas. Thanks so much for linking up lovely x

  10. I have been living a bit like this quote this week – I have been tidying and sorting and doing it properly. The difference putting all my efforts in has made all the difference.
    Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

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