1. Existing is maybe the routine whereas living might be stretching the boundaries and trying something different. Even if you are stuck in a kind of routine e.g. working 9 – 5 finding ways of doing things differently in those constraints.

  2. What a wonderful quote to ponder. It takes a lot of energy to live life with the verve it deserves. Naturally, as I get older I find that I “live” in short bursts and “exist” in the gaps. If I weren’t awake writing into the wee hours of the morning, I might have more energy to spare. However, as writing is my passion…I think it evens out in the end.

  3. Dipanwita

    Living needs courage. Courage to be brave enough to accept everything and everyone as they are. I believe in living one day at at time cz worrying about what’s in store for tomorrow limits our today to just an existence. Thanks for sharing this Debbie.

  4. Bev

    Nothing like beating a serious illness to make you realise this quote is true. Before cancer, i existed. Now i live.

  5. I agree with Bev. When you lose the things that you took for granted, you begin to appreciate life more and live more.
    Couldn’t read your post completely because the floating widget hides your content on a desktop.
    Happy AtoZing!

  6. Living is when you wake up in the morning feeling excited about your day ahead and the unknown possibilities that it holds!
    Existing is when you wake up with a negative perspective about the challenges a new day brings…
    Just my spontaneous thoughts…

  7. Lauren

    I really like this idea for the A to Z blogging challenge. Courage is so important for everything but especially seeking happiness. My challenge’s theme is mental health, you might like to take a look!

  8. How true!
    I so need this quote. It is my maiden AtoZ challenge and also my maiden attempt at writing a blog. And the reason I got involved in the challenge was exactly this…. If I didn’t try how would I find out.


  9. Definitely a difference between the two. If you’re just existing then you’re letting things happen, being swept along like a piece of driftwood. Living is about taking control.

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